Sunday, October 21, 2007

Another week

Evidently we have past the midpoint of the semester. How? That was fast. I guess when we are constantly studying for one quiz or another, one check out, one paper to write, one article to research, there isn't much time to think about anything! It really is which fire to put out first in this program. I guess that's okay. No time to bemoan a bad grade or a missed assignment, just go on and get the next thing done.

I can't say that I like it, or that I don't like it. My focus is just get through it.

On Saturday morning at 4:30 AM I got a call to come for a birth. I'd never met the couple before, but it worked out just fine. I'm glad I got to be the one for this baby. It was quick and relatively easy, which is good, because I don't have a lot of depth left in me for the present. I got home around 11 AM (always nice to work less than 12 hours, and 6 is about as fast as it gets). I was beat! I never sat down once for the whole time. Driving home was difficult. Anyway, I went right to bed and slept for two hours. Then I went to a home visit for another client. They were really sweet, and I hope I end up at that birth.

The biggest problem I have had the past two weeks is my phone. I can't find it! I have no idea where it could be. It MUST be in the house, but where??? I don't get it. I've looked and I can't seem to figure out where it is. It's dead, as far as I can figure, but WHERE??? I'm still calling it to get my messages, but I will have to change one of the other phones to my number, as I still want to be able to get my calls.

Tomorrow I will find out how badly I did on my midterm in the class I know hate. I hate it because it is so irrelevant and I am not doing well in it. Okay, I am doing just fine, but I messed up on the midterm. How bad? I don't know yet. Everyone else seemed happy with their grades, but I'm not optimistic. I just couldn't remember stuff I wanted to remember. Oh well. At least I am still getting an A in Maternal and Newborn Health. I should!!!!

I also now have a list of people who want to attend births with me over the holidays. I'm not sure who started the list, but now that I have one, I will try to ask the students on it (one at a time) to attend births with me. I think it is cool that they'd be able to see a natural birth in a home setting. Something they will otherwise not see, I think.

It reminds me of the very first homebirth I was invited to. It was the sister of a guy I was interested in. I must not have been much over 17 or 18 at the time. I thought they were really weird hippies to have a baby at home. And I DIDN'T go! Now I can't believe I was even invited. Maybe it put a thought in my brain, a seed if you will, of homebirth. Years later who would have thought I'd be attending homebirths myself? And studying to become a midwife (well, maybe someday)?

1 comment:

DJ said...

You probably know that Ricki Lake recently made a movie about home births. Have you seen it? She trained as a doula and is now training to be a midwife.