Thursday, March 27, 2008

Will I make it?

Today I am very uncertain of my ability to make it through to the end. The whole runner hitting a wall analogy is feeling very familiar to me right about now.

I have been studying beyond the call of duty. I work very hard at this, and I am entering my next clinical phase with fear and trepidation. Today I heard that two students were asked to LEAVE the hospital in the middle of the day. I'm not sure if they are being kicked out of the program or what, but this was not a good day.

There is one teacher, MLD, who is insistent on making life difficult, nay, impossible for us all. She will pick on a few students, and if you happen to be one that she picked on, good riddance! There is no hope for you. I tremble in my white nursing shoes as I begin my new clinical rotation next week with MLD. She is also in charge of the whole program for the clinicals, so if something goes wrong when we are with her, watch out!

I am going to spend the weekend re-reading my peds textbook, concentrating on respiratory problems in children. As well as sickle cell and a few other things that bring children to the National Children's Hospital, where I will be going on Thursday.

Which is another problem, it's in DC and there is no parking, and we have to be there y 6:30 AM ready to go. Which means I will be leaving home between 4 and 4:40 AM to pick up another student and drive to Springfield where we will meet two others and carpool the rest of the way in. AAAAAhhhhh!

If you pray, pray for me!!!! I don't want to get on her wrong side, because I understand it's very hard to change that impression once made. I want to make it through this semester and I want to do well. I need the A in clinicals because the other two classes are not going very well.

Patho is taught by the sweetest woman, who has no clue how to teach! Pharm is a great class, with a good teacher, but I have a hard time memorizing all those drug names and all the things we need to know about them. Please God, mercy!

Other than that, life is a piece of cake. :-)

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