Saturday, December 5, 2009


Today it snowed for the first time this winter. It was wonderful. I got to play with my camera a little bit, too. I did have to drive B to work, which sucked, as I was getting sploshed from all the other cars, and I was almost out of gas, and when I filled up at the gas station I had to wait in line, and on the way back I almosted skidded into another car. But I got home safely.

I have some photos I posted on Facebook. Here is one I like, or not. I'm not having any success uploading the photos right now. I'll try later (or not).

I have now completed 7 credits in my MSN program. Yee Haw! I have 6 more to complete before the end of the month. That means one BIG paper (about 1/2 done) and one more proctored test. I got my webcam up and running today, which is why I got the test done. I'm hoping to take the other test next week (please God). Then finish the paper and submit my paperwork for reimbursement at work. That will help!

On the sadder side of things, my good friend A.S. had to have his arm and shoulder amputated because of cancer. Just too hard to think about much. M.C. called to see if I knew anything about job openings at my hospital. We could use a good labor nurse, but she is used to making a whole lot more money than we pay. It would be great to see her again, though.

The fam and I watched Jumper on Netflix yesterday. Cool movie. I am looking forward to reading the books (if I get the chance!)

I'm on nights the beginning of next week. Bummer. But at least I have some days off. I hope to get a couple of short shifts in for baby nurse, or a home birth or two to cover the expenses from new glasses and new tires for the car. Why is everything so expensive? Why are there no jobs for the men in my house?

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