Sunday, September 13, 2009

Another day, week, month, year

Every heard of the pioneer woman? She has a fascinating website. Well worth reading, if you are into that sort of stuff. My problem is that is it hard not to be a little bit jealous of her life. It's not perfect, I admit, but she does seem to have a lot that anyone in their right mind would also want.

I try not remembering when I had a life that was easier than the one I have now. I try hard to not complain, even inwardly. I wish I was the godly woman who is alway grateful, even admist the hard times. But I struggle with that. I am grateful for food, shelther, health, clothing, family, transportation, job. I am. I just wish I didn't have to carry the burden alone. I really am lazy. Truth is out. I'd rather have a day or two to just not be burdened with life and living and just live. A walk in the woods would be nice. I picinic maybe. Pay all my bills at one time, instead of avoiding those nasty phone calls.

Oh well. Maybe someday. I'm trying hard to not be consumer minded. Yes, I'd love a new chair in the living room, but that space that is empty now will have a chair someday. And I'd love to have new carpet in the family room. Twenty-one years later and that carpet isn't looking too good. But I can't do either of those things now. I keep wondering if I could rip up the carpet and somehow paint the floor board underneath? Maybe the old stained carpet better stay awhile longer.

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