Sunday, November 15, 2009


In a perfect world.... husband would not still be unemployed work schedule would never be more than 2 days a week

...I could still be in BirthPartners attending home and BC births

...I would weigh a lot less husband would make enough money that we could pay our bills cars would ever need new tires, new transmissions, new points (or I could just buy a new car when all those things need to be replaces!) house would be clean

...I would eat salads everyday and enjoy them!

...I would win in Scrabble every once in a while

...Christmas would be in the summer, when there is more daylight in the day

...being older wouldn't mean that I have to get stronger and stronger glasses

...I could still go to yoga classes once or twice a week kids would get all A's every semester (and no D+s)

...I would not be in school, except to teach, and I'd love my students/classes/peers/boss

Okay, that's enough to today

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